Chalk Paint Love

I did a little remodeling of my bathroom vanity!  See my experience and tips for using chalk paint below!

I’ve been dealing with a lot of stress recently while studying for my comprehensive exams!  I’m also trying to edit my novel!  So to relieve a little of that stress I decided to give my bathroom vanity a MUCH needed facelift!

Here is the “before” photo:

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I like how I’m photo bombing my own photo!


Well as you can see we are talking about “cardboard” builder grade vanity cabinets here!  I was worried about painting them because moister makes these bad boys warp.  I did a lot of research though and decided to give chalk paint a try.

I went for a gray because I think it worked best with our bedroom color pallet and gray seems to be in right now on HGTV.

While I was at my little remodeling adventure I decided to also replace the mirror!

Here is my “during” photo:

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Another coat of paint and some coats of wax later….

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It went really well I think!  I’m also loving the new hardware and mirror!  I’ve got to change the light fixture though.  That will be my next project I think.


  1. The number one tip is definitely not to go crazy with the wax.  Less is more!
  2. Consider buying the (ridiculously) expensive wax brush.  I bought a cheaper version from a local hardware store and it made for an unpleasant experience.  The bristles kept coming off in the wax.  I tried using a T-shirt, but it made it more difficult to lay down the wax evenly.  So my tip would be to consider buying the expensive wax brush if chalk painting is something you think you are going to be doing a lot of!  If it’s a small one-time project, then you could probably save your money.  (For the paint itself, a regular brush worked just fine for me!)
  3. Don’t be intimidated by it!  When I first started reading about chalk paint and waxing I was kind of intimidated by the waxing process.  It turned out to be way more manageable than I thought it would be!  So for your first piece pick something you are okay with potentially messing up, and then just go for it!


Side Note:

I apologize for missing the last two posts!  Life has gotten quite crazy this past month and I’m doing my best to balance it all.  On that note, enjoy these pics of me attempting to do yoga:

I know what you are thinking…. but Brooke that is just your dog, that doesn’t look like yoga.  Exactly!

Lilly kept dropping her toy on my face and would lie down on my mat anytime there was even a hint of free space on it.

At one point I was doing downward dog and there was literally a dog standing underneath me.  I didn’t get much yoga done, but Lilly definitely put a smile on my face!